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Event Details

A review of the options available and the legal and regulatory reform required for increased private sector investment in Vietnam's grid.


Following the completion of a UK Government technical assistance programme which has assessed the options available for enabling private sector investment into Vietnam's grid, this webinar will present the research team's report and findings.

Consultants from Pioneer International Consulting and lawyers from VILAF will present on the following:

  1. An analysis of Viet Nam's transmission and distribution networks and the existing legal framework for grid development.
  2. A review of international models for private sector investment in grid infrastructure.
  3. The options for private sector investment which are suitable for Vietnam.
  4. The legal and regulatory change required to implement the first project under a new model in Vietnam.

Event type: Online

Platform: Zoom Meeting

Mar 30, 2023

15:00 - 16:00 GMT+7


  • Denzel Eades (Managing Director of Pioneer International Consulting)

    Denzel Eades

    Managing Director of Pioneer International Consulting

    Read Bio
  • Thu Phuong Vu (Senior Associate at VILAF)

    Thu Phuong Vu

    Senior Associate at VILAF

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